Charlotte's Brightside
Building a supportive community

About Us
Charlotte’s Brightside charity was founded in memory of Charlotte Churchill, who died tragically in a car accident. The aims of the charity are to advance and relieve the needs of local people through: a) a provision of recreational and leisure activities, provided in an interest of social welfare designed to improve their conditions in life. B) by providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals. Our aim is to be a pillar of support for anyone who feels as though they are struggling.
Weekly Schedule
Drop in advice from 10am with Involve Connectors, Credit Union, PCSO on rota basis
Chair Yoga 10:30-11:15am
£3 per session
Sensory Room Stay & Play 10am-12pm
Drop in for any ages TERM TIME ONLY
Community Walking Circle 11:30am
Everyone welcome
Prize Bingo 12-2pm 50p per person
Light refreshments available
Social Supermarket 12:30-3pm
Art Club (adults)1-3:30pm
Call Fred on 07​963560951 to book
Younger Children's Youth Club 4-6pm (years 2,3&4) TERM TIME ONLY
Junior Karate Club 4:30-5:15pm
Call Harry on 07999621606
Older Children's Youth Club 6-8pm (year 5+) TERM TIME ONLY
Karate (adults) 7pm
Call Harry on 07999621606 to book
​​Sensory Room Stay & Play 10am-12pm
Drop in for any ages TERM TIME ONLY
Lunch Club 12:00-1:30pm
£3 for two courses and one drink refill
Social Supermarket 12:00-3pm
Craft & Chat 1-3pm
No booking required
Homework Club ages 5+ 3:30-5pm
No booking required
Children's Art Club ages 5+ 3:45-5pm
No booking required
​Ukulele lesson (adult) 8-10pm(Clive 07853288809)
CAP Debt Help
3rd Tuesday of every month (starting 15/10/24) 10am-1pm
Whitechapel 10am-12pm
Every other week
Lifelong Learning every other week
Sensory Room Stay & Play 10am-12pm
Drop in for any ages TERM TIME ONLY
​Art Club 10am-12:30pm
Call Fred on 07963560951 to book
Lunch Club 12:00-1:30pm
Social Supermarket 11:30am-1:30pm
Art Club 1-3:30pm Call Fred on 07963560957 to book
CBUK Peer support Coffee and a chat 2-4pm every 3rd Wednesday.
Karate age 10+ 5-6pm
Call Harry on 07999621606 to book
Ukulele lessons ages 8-11
6-7pm Call Clive on 07853288809 to book​
Coffee morning 9:30am-12pm
Come along a get a bacon butty and a cuppa for £1
Social Supermarket 11:30am-1:30pm
Welfare Rights Advisor by appointment Call 0151 630 2626 to book
Reach Out Work Club 10:30am-12:30pm every other Thursday
Chair Fit (adult mixed ability)
09:30-10:15am £3 per session​​
Children's Cookery Club 3:45-5:30pm
Call 0151 630 2626 to book
Buddhist Meditation Classes 6:30-7:30pm no booking required
Ukulele lessons (adult) 7:30-10pm
Call Clive on 07853288809 to book
Buddhist Meditation 11:30am-12:30pm
No booking required
Saturday & Sunday
Room available for hire
Call 0151 630 2626
What’s on

Contact us on:
0151 630 2626
Follow us on:
Facebook - Charlotte’s Brightside
Instagram - @charlottes.brightside
Email us at:
Visit us at:
1A Hope Street New Brighton CH45 2LN

Although we are self-funded, any donations would be amazing! If you would like to make a financial donation, please click here
Alternatively, if you have anything that you think could be useful that you would like to donate, please let us know below.
Thank you so much.